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Rabu, 12 Mei 2010


Purbalingga, 18th October 2009

Member of Group 2:

11. Hana F
12. Hardi G S
13. Hindun S
14. Ilham A
15. Jenita M S
16. Karisma F A
17. Magista M A
18. Maulita Z
19. Nanda W P
20. Monalisa S S

Survery Report:

Title : Plants and Animals in Serang
Place : Serang Agriculture
Date And Time : Monday, 18th October 2009 at 07.00 AM – 01.30 PM
Surveyer : Second Group

Contain :

1. Pine Seedbed:

• Every pine seeds are inside the pine fruit
• Every pine friuts contain so seeds but the productive one only ten seeds
• Pine seedling ready for plant 15 years old and with 150 cm tall

2. Pine Forest:

• We can found pine fruits in dry season. Because, the fruit has already a red and then falls to the ground

3. Tomato Garden:

• Read tomato is the ripe one
• Tomato about three months age is ready to harvest

4. Cabbage Garden:

• Cabbage will be around about two months age
• Cabbage about three months is ready to harvest

5. Strawberry Garden:

• There strawberry can plants with inter crapping system
• We can harvest the strawberry in dry season

6. Chili:

• Chili about three months is ready to harvest

7. Tea:

• For making a cup of tea need three sprout of the leaves, we must out the steam to get new sproud
• Then we put the sprout in side the oven until dry then preshsit

8. Carrot:

• First make bedengan for planning the seed
• Then, we sowing the seed
• And, close it with fertilizer
• We can weed the carrot, If carrot about two months age

9. Cow:

• We can milk the cow twice a day
• Before we milk the cow, We muse wash the cow
• Cow is ready to get the milk after breeding
• Cow eats the special grass

10. Bio gas:

How to make bio gas:
1. Throw the cow dung in to the special tank
2. Current she gas in to the special stove with a nose

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